Saturday, June 9, 2012

Time Is On Your Side

Omg. So 8 hour days are really long. But a while ago Danielle gave me her mp3 player to use and so I took it to work today and it made everything so much nicer. The time passed more quickly and my head didn't get all fuzzy as much, and I just FELT really good listening to so much good music. Music is AMAZING for how it does that. It just kinda calms all the fritzy thoughts in my brain and makes it okay to feel something, to be overcome by it even, but it turns whatever that feeling is into something beautiful or cathartic. I realized just how much good music I have access to and it's thrilling. Masterpieces which took a lot of skilled musicians and composers to create, people with heart and soul, and somehow they found a way to share that soul with everyone else who really listens. It's amazing.

I start 10  hour days next week so I'm really glad for this weekend to recuperate and prepare after adjusting to the 8 hour days. Also grateful for

Because it means I will be able to pay off my debts that much faster!

#4 Time with people
Thinking a lot about high school days lately since I've been looking at so many school agendas and such. Realizing what a good teenhood I really had and how lucky I was to spend so much time with all my friends, really having good times. Suzanna's 23rd birthday was yesterday so it was nice to talk to her on the phone. Also having time after work to just chill out with Danielle and watch stuff. We watched a bunch of pokemon today which we started last night to recover from the scarring 2nd episode of Torchwood, which we didn't even get 1/4 the way through.... so disturbing.

Being an asexual I really appreciate that there are actually still a lot of ace friendly shows, or at least more ace friendly than Torchwood. Even if a lot of them are also kids shows, so what? I love me some kids shows. The opportunity to giggle and grin at innocent silliness.... it's awesome.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I keep missing days.

#1 I got to post the next chapter!
Chapter 9 of my DS9 fanfiction has been in the works for like over a month... so it was nice to finally be able to post it. I get a lot of pleasure out of getting positive comments on my writing. Hopefully the next one won't take quite as long to write.

#2 People who are excited to see me
It's amazing how that can make such a difference. A girl I work with made an awesome happy face at me yesterday and today. We didn't see each other on monday because my hours changed and we usually ride the bus together. So she came over to my desk and made a big grinny face at me and told me to email her and it was cool.

#3 Washed Dishes
My shift felt really long at work today... and I was thinking all the way home about how there was this mountain of dishes I needed to wash and was trying to steel myself to get them done before I did anything else, once I got home. But then I walked in the door and Danielle had done a bunch of them! It was a great feeling.

#4 My NEW computer cord
My old power cord got a really bad short in it so I had to buy a new one... and it came in the mail today. HALLELUJAH. No more fiddling and twiddling with the cord to keep my computer from shutting off. Awesome awesome possum.

#5 My spinach is still growing well!
Still no blossoms on the peas though....

Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Catchup

I shouldn't be writing this, I should be in bed sleeping in preparation for my first 8-hour workday tomorrow. But I've already missed 2 days!

#1 Joy for Others
My sister has been dealt some pretty raw deals in life, but lately she seems to be finding simple but effective ways of fighting back, and it's making me so happy! I always feel so sad and frustrated when she's suffering and I can't do anything to help. Now I want to celebrate any little victories she has. Also having random bursts of familial happiness.

#2 Umbrellas
You're not really supposed to use them if you're a true Washingtonian, but sometimes they can be really helpful, and besides... there's nothing quite like walking along with an umbrella when the rain is falling straight down on an otherwise nearly silent day.

#3 More Work Hours
Like I said, I'm being bumped up to 8 hour days! That means I'll have plenty of breathing room money-wise come next payday.

#4 Apples to Apples
We played it with a vegan friend tonight and once again also thankful for the PPK and its recipes.

#5 Oma
She came over on Saturday and spent half the day with us. We made Chickpea Picatta and ran some errands around town and gave her lovely homemade raspberry chocolate hazelnut butter cups and I was able to give her a picture I painted for her. She is someone I feel like my life would not be as rich without, and it's not like I even have spent that much time with her. She's just that sort of person.

#6 Vital Friends
Went to BUF again on Sunday and the entire sermon and everything was about friendship and how important it is to our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Having TRUE friends who will stand by us and let us confide in them, who make themselves available for us. I have always tried to be that kind of friend but I know I fail a lot. Even so I have more than one person who has filled my life with that kind of love and done so much, and I feel so grateful. I honestly cried because I had forgotten just how beautiful friendship can be until Sunday. I need to learn how to BE a better friend... not focus on how far away my friends are or what I wish they would do. You guys are all amazing people I feel honored to know.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Lumping yesterday's in with today....

#1 Knowing I've Improved
I have such a hard time sometimes believing that I've really improved at anything or that all the hard work has really paid off. Progress seems so slow with things like writing and art, but I realized yesterday that I have definitely improved in some of the aspects of writing which involve construction of sentences in interesting but not overly complicated ways... or being pretentious with synonyms... which gives me hope that eventually I will get better at other important things like writing actually interesting stories with actually interesting characters and actually interesting plots.

#2 Fun Dreams
They make life so much more interesting!

#3 My job
I try to keep reminding myself how awesome it is to have a job, because just over a month ago I was miserably searching for one, and now I actually have a start at making a way for myself.

#4 Other Vegans Exist
And we met one today and she was cool. Also so grateful that I had someone to share this journey with, and will sort of have one in the future. It would have been so much harder otherwise. In the words of Jack Johnson, it's always better when we're together.

#5 Honesty
With myself especially. It's scary sometimes. Actually most of the time. But so freeing. I am going to try to be more honest with other people too, even if I'm scared they won't like the truth about who I am.

#6 Sensory memories
They are so cool. You know when the air is just right and it makes you feel like you're somewhere else? Or you walk into a place and a certain smell just brings you back in time?

#7 The PPK is a website where we get most of our best vegan recipes and today we tried a new one. True to form it was delicious! Thanks to them I started feeling confident that I could learn how to cook and my entire life has improved since. Food has so much to do with mood and frame of mind and happiness, at least for me. Being well-fed and nourished and comforted can make a big difference, and it's great to be able to cook for others too.

#8 When Talking is Easy
Life is good when the words flow between friends. Walking and talking together and not needing to be anywhere in particular at any particular time. It's one of my favorite feelings in the world. Thank you Danielle and Ali for sharing today with me and making it better.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

#1 Simple things
I had an interesting conversation today with Danielle, it was about a lot of things, but in it we talked a little bit about how often people who live simpler lives are happier. So I'm grateful for times when things can be simple and I can just take joy in grocery shopping, making food, and eating it with people I love. Speaking of which, I spent some time doing just that for both lunch and dinner today. Lunch was with a mentor/friend from school, and Dinner was made while Danielle and I were talking about all of this--not a very extravagant soup but it was satisfying, tasty, and healthy.

#2 Health
I have a good immune system and I'm really grateful for that. I'm almost over my cold and I'm so happy that my body has kicked it out in a little less than two weeks. Whenever I get sick like this I often think about people I've known who are just congested all the time and how horrible that would be to live with. I'm grateful my parents taught me how to be healthy, and I'm also glad that veganism is so good for your body.

#3 Peace of Mind
I've had a lot less angst about my spiritual growth lately, a lot less fear, and I'm glad for that. I hope it keeps up. It's about time I'm freed up to actually do some growing instead of constantly trimming stuff back because I'm not sure it's growing the right way.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back to work and normal life!

#1 I'm moving to a nice place
I went to go apply for my spot in the apartment I decided to move into next month, and was reminded of what a pretty area it's in. There's grass between all the apartment buildings and a trail through the woods and wetlands out back. It's quiet and peaceful and clean-looking.

#2 Things that make me take life less seriously
Sometimes I can get a little overly serious about stuff, to the point where I almost will not allow myself to have fun or a sense of humor. I watched a bunch of Red Dwarf on Tuesday and I love that show because it kind of forces me to just enjoy the silliness instead of analyzing every little implication of the character's actions and weighing them in the grander scale of life's deep questions. Sometimes it's good to just be silly and enjoy laughing about something.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Posting this retroactively or whatever.

So, things I was grateful for on Monday the 28th!

#1 FUN Good Music
I sometimes forget that music is good for having fun, too, and not just being deep and thoughtful or soothing. And fun is just as important as solace. I listened to half the soundtrack of Jekyll and Hyde on Monday and was having so much fun singing along to the crazy songs while I was cleaning the apartment. I also listened to my angela jpop cd from my very first anime convention, and I'd forgotten how cool the songs actually are! It gave me lots of happy feelings.

#2 Energy
I had so much energy during Memorial Day weekend, it was crazy! But on Monday I started feeling a little sleepy again and since then I have been even more sleepy. I was so happy though, and so I think it counts to say I was grateful for the energy I had and the will to do things.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Only to be with you

Hello Everyone (why did I just capitalize that?)!

Starting now I am going to try to post something every day on this blog which I am grateful for. It doesn't have to be something that happened to me that day, it could just be something I happened to remember that day. Also I can post multiple things. I'm doing this because I believe there is power in sharing positive thoughts publicly. Also because I never know what to do when I suddenly think of something nice someone did for me 5 years ago, because it seems a little weird to go up to them out of the blue and be like "you know when you blahblahblah? That really meant a lot to me." Yes I am shy xP

Okay so speaking of stuff that happened around 5 years ago, here are my first things I'm most thankful for today.

#1: That Time You Just Wanted To Be With Me
To Danielle. The second time you came to stay at my house, remember when I was so worried that I wasn't thinking of amazing and fun things to see and do that I started crying? And you said you didn't come there to do a bunch of stuff or be entertained, you came because you wanted to spend time with me. That meant a lot to me then and it still does. The concept that someone came a thousand miles just to be in my presence even if we weren't doing anything special was incredibly awesome to me.

#2: Massages
To Mom, Suzanna, and Ben. Last time I was home for Christmas, Mom, I was feeling tired and stressed for (what seemed to me to be) no reason and you took the time, even though you were tired, to give me a massage and rub essential oils on my back until I felt better, and you asked me if I was missing Danielle, and that meant a lot to me that you were so understanding and giving.
Suzanna and Ben, remember that night we all gave each other massages? I still think of that as one of the times I was most relaxed in my life. Thanks for being so cool about platonic physical touch. You guys are awesome.

#3: Not Really A Stranger
Today I went to the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship again. The service was great, and afterwards I ended up talking to some random guy about poetry and emotions and art and spirituality and even a little bit about asexuality... and he said that the first time he really listened to that song called "Imagine" (you know, imagine all the people living life in peace...?) that he realized that we're all here for the same purpose, not to be cruel or to hurt ourselves or others, but to be kind to ourselves and others, and every single person we meet was born with that same desire, so eventually things will get better if we can only remember that. And whatever we talked about, he was so accepting and calm, but really engaged. It was so refreshing and kind of reflected what I love about BUF in general, that positivity and the belief that people really can and should make a difference. It's weird that I felt so at ease around a stranger but I think it's because in that moment we weren't seeing each other as strangers because we were acknowledging the deepest desires we have in common, and that was really cool.

#4: Bellingham
For being awesome and having lots of local produce, bike trails, a reliable bus system, and people who really care about building an inclusive community.