Saturday, June 2, 2012


Lumping yesterday's in with today....

#1 Knowing I've Improved
I have such a hard time sometimes believing that I've really improved at anything or that all the hard work has really paid off. Progress seems so slow with things like writing and art, but I realized yesterday that I have definitely improved in some of the aspects of writing which involve construction of sentences in interesting but not overly complicated ways... or being pretentious with synonyms... which gives me hope that eventually I will get better at other important things like writing actually interesting stories with actually interesting characters and actually interesting plots.

#2 Fun Dreams
They make life so much more interesting!

#3 My job
I try to keep reminding myself how awesome it is to have a job, because just over a month ago I was miserably searching for one, and now I actually have a start at making a way for myself.

#4 Other Vegans Exist
And we met one today and she was cool. Also so grateful that I had someone to share this journey with, and will sort of have one in the future. It would have been so much harder otherwise. In the words of Jack Johnson, it's always better when we're together.

#5 Honesty
With myself especially. It's scary sometimes. Actually most of the time. But so freeing. I am going to try to be more honest with other people too, even if I'm scared they won't like the truth about who I am.

#6 Sensory memories
They are so cool. You know when the air is just right and it makes you feel like you're somewhere else? Or you walk into a place and a certain smell just brings you back in time?

#7 The PPK is a website where we get most of our best vegan recipes and today we tried a new one. True to form it was delicious! Thanks to them I started feeling confident that I could learn how to cook and my entire life has improved since. Food has so much to do with mood and frame of mind and happiness, at least for me. Being well-fed and nourished and comforted can make a big difference, and it's great to be able to cook for others too.

#8 When Talking is Easy
Life is good when the words flow between friends. Walking and talking together and not needing to be anywhere in particular at any particular time. It's one of my favorite feelings in the world. Thank you Danielle and Ali for sharing today with me and making it better.

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