Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I keep missing days.

#1 I got to post the next chapter!
Chapter 9 of my DS9 fanfiction has been in the works for like over a month... so it was nice to finally be able to post it. I get a lot of pleasure out of getting positive comments on my writing. Hopefully the next one won't take quite as long to write.

#2 People who are excited to see me
It's amazing how that can make such a difference. A girl I work with made an awesome happy face at me yesterday and today. We didn't see each other on monday because my hours changed and we usually ride the bus together. So she came over to my desk and made a big grinny face at me and told me to email her and it was cool.

#3 Washed Dishes
My shift felt really long at work today... and I was thinking all the way home about how there was this mountain of dishes I needed to wash and was trying to steel myself to get them done before I did anything else, once I got home. But then I walked in the door and Danielle had done a bunch of them! It was a great feeling.

#4 My NEW computer cord
My old power cord got a really bad short in it so I had to buy a new one... and it came in the mail today. HALLELUJAH. No more fiddling and twiddling with the cord to keep my computer from shutting off. Awesome awesome possum.

#5 My spinach is still growing well!
Still no blossoms on the peas though....

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