Sunday, May 27, 2012

Only to be with you

Hello Everyone (why did I just capitalize that?)!

Starting now I am going to try to post something every day on this blog which I am grateful for. It doesn't have to be something that happened to me that day, it could just be something I happened to remember that day. Also I can post multiple things. I'm doing this because I believe there is power in sharing positive thoughts publicly. Also because I never know what to do when I suddenly think of something nice someone did for me 5 years ago, because it seems a little weird to go up to them out of the blue and be like "you know when you blahblahblah? That really meant a lot to me." Yes I am shy xP

Okay so speaking of stuff that happened around 5 years ago, here are my first things I'm most thankful for today.

#1: That Time You Just Wanted To Be With Me
To Danielle. The second time you came to stay at my house, remember when I was so worried that I wasn't thinking of amazing and fun things to see and do that I started crying? And you said you didn't come there to do a bunch of stuff or be entertained, you came because you wanted to spend time with me. That meant a lot to me then and it still does. The concept that someone came a thousand miles just to be in my presence even if we weren't doing anything special was incredibly awesome to me.

#2: Massages
To Mom, Suzanna, and Ben. Last time I was home for Christmas, Mom, I was feeling tired and stressed for (what seemed to me to be) no reason and you took the time, even though you were tired, to give me a massage and rub essential oils on my back until I felt better, and you asked me if I was missing Danielle, and that meant a lot to me that you were so understanding and giving.
Suzanna and Ben, remember that night we all gave each other massages? I still think of that as one of the times I was most relaxed in my life. Thanks for being so cool about platonic physical touch. You guys are awesome.

#3: Not Really A Stranger
Today I went to the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship again. The service was great, and afterwards I ended up talking to some random guy about poetry and emotions and art and spirituality and even a little bit about asexuality... and he said that the first time he really listened to that song called "Imagine" (you know, imagine all the people living life in peace...?) that he realized that we're all here for the same purpose, not to be cruel or to hurt ourselves or others, but to be kind to ourselves and others, and every single person we meet was born with that same desire, so eventually things will get better if we can only remember that. And whatever we talked about, he was so accepting and calm, but really engaged. It was so refreshing and kind of reflected what I love about BUF in general, that positivity and the belief that people really can and should make a difference. It's weird that I felt so at ease around a stranger but I think it's because in that moment we weren't seeing each other as strangers because we were acknowledging the deepest desires we have in common, and that was really cool.

#4: Bellingham
For being awesome and having lots of local produce, bike trails, a reliable bus system, and people who really care about building an inclusive community.

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